Accelerating Material Flow by integrating and minimizing misalignments between Demand and Supply

Demand planners need relief from traditional manual forecast approaches using spreadsheets or siloed softwares. These clearly do not stand a chance against the rapid and dynamic changes that Covid has brought into existing supply chain ecosystems. Right from demand sourcing to demand management to distribution and even responding to near term events, demand planners are trying to understand how they can have more accurate foresight to align operations on products that drive the highest ROI. 

ThroughPut Demand Sensing Module gives you unparalleled competitive edge as your go-to forecasting and planning tool, using a suite of AI-driven analytical technologies.

The data sheet will share key how companies can :

  • Rapidly analyze & correlate demand based insightsApply insights in an easily digestible format.
  • Accurately forecast and respond to demandRespond to fluctuating margins and inventory needs.
  • Identify & expose patterns Comprehensive view across past events and quickly predict demand trends.
Download the data sheet to create accurate forecasts and expedite fulfillment.

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