Supply Chain Solutions for Cement Manufacturers

In this demo, you will learn how cement and building materials companies  can:

  • Leverage existing supply chain data to accelerate sustainable material flow and free cash flow.
  • Maximize truck utilization by optimizing yards per hour.
  • Streamline logistics network to reduce travel times & supply chain costs.
  • Optimize product-mix by prioritizing & segmenting top performing products to rapidly increase revenue.
Trusted Supply Chain Partner for Leaders in Cement & Building Materials Industries

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What Our Customers Say

“AI makes it faster, cheaper and easier to break data silos. With ThroughPut’s robust supply chain model, we leverage real-time simulations to discover critical root causes and accelerate sustainable, holistic revenue growth decisions across all business units.”

“ThroughPut’s leading edge AI-powered Software Suite will accelerate our visionary sustainability efforts while gaining end-to-end material flow visibility, optimizing product-mix for higher savings and production efficiency and streamline Truck Routing and Logistics operations.”